Results for 'Luiza Simões Pacheco'

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    Helmig, Christoph (ed.), World Soul – Anima Mundi. On the Origins and Fortunes of a Fundamental Idea. Berlin/boston: De Gruyter, 2020, 364 pp.World Soul – Anima Mundi. On the Origins and Fortunes of a Fundamental Idea. [REVIEW]Luiza Simões Pacheco - 2022 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 104 (2):403-406.
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    Estratégias educativas desejáveis e indesejáveis: Uma comparação entre a percepção de pais e mães de adolescentes.Luiza Maria de O. Braga Silveira, Janaína Pacheco, Thiago Cruz & Andréia Almeida Schneider - 2005 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 21:31-42.
  3. Affective refusals, more-than-human Identities and de-colonisation in early childhood education.Giovanna Caetano-Silva, Alejandra Pacheco-Costa & Fernando Guzmán-Simón - 2024 - In Jessie Bustillos Morales & Shiva Zarabadi (eds.), Towards posthumanism in education: theoretical entanglements and pedagogical mappings. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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    “Keep That in Mind!” The Role of Positive Affect in Working Memory for Maintaining Goal-Relevant Information.Jessica S. B. Figueira, Luiza B. Pacheco, Isabela Lobo, Eliane Volchan, Mirtes G. Pereira, Leticia de Oliveira & Isabel A. David - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  5. Emotional, Behavioral, and Psychological Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic.Ana Luisa Pedrosa, Letícia Bitencourt, Ana Cláudia Fontoura Fróes, Maria Luíza Barreto Cazumbá, Ramon Gustavo Bernardino Campos, Stephanie Bruna Camilo Soares de Brito & Ana Cristina Simões E. Silva - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  6. From logical method to 'messing about': Wittgenstein on 'open problems' in mathematics.Simo Saatela - 2011 - In Oskari Kuusela & Marie McGinn (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Wittgenstein. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
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  7. Just ignore it? Parents and genetic information.Simo Vehmas - 2001 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 22 (5):473-484.
    This paper discusses whether prospectiveparents ought to find out about their geneticconstitution for reproductive reasons. It isargued that ignoring genetic information can bein line with responsible parenthood or perhapseven recommendable. This is because parenthoodis essentially an unconditional project inwhich parents ought to commit themselves tonurturing any kind of child. Besides, thetraditional reasons offered for theunfortunateness of impairments and the tragicfate of families with disabled children are notconvincing. Other morally problematic outcomesof genetics, such as discrimination againstindividuals with impairments, and limiting freeparental (...)
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  8. (1 other version)The Logic of Being.Simo Knuuttila & Jaakko Hintikka - 1989 - Studia Logica 48 (1):133-133.
  9. Natural Necessity in John Buridan.Simo Knuuttila - 1989 - In Stefano Caroti (ed.), Studies in medieval natural philosophy. [Firenze]: L.S. Olschki.
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    Modern Modalities: Studies of the History of Modal Theories From Medieval Nominalism to Logical Positivism.Simo Knuuttila (ed.) - 1988 - Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    The word "modem" in the title of this book refers primarily to post-medieval discussions, but it also hints at those medieval mo dal theories which were considered modem in contradistinction to ancient conceptions and which in different ways influenced philosophical discussions during the early modem period. The me dieval developments are investigated in the opening paper, 'The Foundations of Modality and Conceivability in Descartes and His Predecessors', by Lilli Alanen and Simo Knuuttila. Boethius's works from the early sixth century belonged (...)
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  11. Duns Scotus and the foundations of logical modalities.Simo Knuuttila - 1996 - In Ludger Honnefelder, Rega Wood & Mechthild Dreyer (eds.), John Duns Scotus: metaphysics and ethics. New York: E.J. Brill. pp. 127--145.
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  12. A perfeição humana na perspectiva católica de D. João Becker no período de 1912 a 1946.Cláudia Regina Costa Pacheco, Elomar Antônio Calegaro Tambara & Jorge Luiz da Cunha - 2012 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 17 (2).
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    A questão do anonimato no ciberespaço: o alter nem tão anônimo assim.Luiza Cruz - forthcoming - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España].
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    Acto y substancia: estudio a través de Santo Tomás de Aquino.Javier Hernández-Pacheco - 1984 - [Sevilla]: Secretariado de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Sevilla.
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    La metafísica del conocimiento de Karl Rahner: análisis de "Espíritu en el mundo".Jaime Mercant Simó - 2018 - Girona: Documenta Universitaria.
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    The Chocolate Ticket from the Bulgaria’s National Lottery.Luiza Mirzoyan - 2019 - Journal of Media Ethics 35 (2):127-129.
    Volume 35, Issue 2, April-June 2020, Page 127-129.
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    Análisis del conocimiento científico.Simón Marcelo Neuschlosz - 1939 - Buenos Aires,: Editorial Losada, s. a..
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  18. El hombre y su mundo a través de los siglos.Simón Marcelo Neuschlosz - 1942 - Rosario,: República argentina, Dirección municipal de cultura.
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  19. Naturaleza y sentido de nuestro filosofar.Rafael Torrado Pacheco - 1986 - Universitas Philosophica 6:37-46.
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  20. Arthur C. Danto, Unnatural Wonders: Essays from the Gap between Art and Life.Simo Saatela - 2009 - Philosophy in Review 29 (3):168.
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    Psicanálise e Hospital Geral: limites e possibilidades.Luiza Sarno & Andréa Fernandes - 2004 - Cogito 6:151-153.
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  22. Human Beings and Automatons.Simo Säätelä - unknown
    J.S. Mill has formulated a classical statement of the "argument from analogy� concerning knowledge of other minds: "I must either believe them [other human beings] to be alive, or to be automatons� (Mill 1872, 244). It is possible that Wittgenstein had this in mind when writing the following: "I believe he is suffering.�—Do I also believe that he isn"t an automaton? It would go against the grain to use the word in both connexions. (Or is it like this: I believe (...)
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    Neural synchrony and dynamic connectivity.Simo Vanni - 1999 - Consciousness and Cognition 8 (2):159-163.
  24. The Impact of Integrating Weblogs into an ESP Classroom.Luiza Zeqiri - 2013 - Seeu Review 9 (1):46-62.
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  25. Quantum chemistry in great Britain: Developing a mathematical framework for quantum chemistry.A. Simoes, Gavroglu &Unknown & K. - 2000 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 31 (4):511-548.
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  26. O besouro na caixa de Skinner.Luiza Bacchi Dourado, Carlos Eduardo Lopes & Henrique Mesquita Pompermaier - 2021 - Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa 37:e37 221.
    The literature has indicated some approximations between Skinner’s and Wittgenstein’s proposals, such as a critical standpoint on traditional psychological language conceptions. For Wittgenstein, the critique refers to the impossibility of a private language. On the other hand, Skinner’s critique culminates in defense of the concept of private events. However, this concept seems inconsistent with Wittgenstein’s proposal. Based on this assumption, this paper aims to reevaluate the role of the concept of ‘private events’ in Skinnerian behaviorism in the light of Wittgenstein’s (...)
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  27. Modal logic.Simo Knuuttila - 1982 - In Norman Kretzmann, Anthony Kenny & Jan Pinborg (eds.), Cambridge History of Later Medieval Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 342--357.
  28. Is it wrong to deliberately conceive or give birth to a child with mental retardation?Simo Vehmas - 2002 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 27 (1):47 – 63.
    This paper discusses the issues of deciding to have a child with mental retardation, and of terminating a pregnancy when the future child is known to have the same disability. I discuss these problems by criticizing a utilitarian argument, namely, that one should act in a way that results in less suffering and less limited opportunity in the world. My argument is that future parents ought to assume a strong responsibility towards the well-being of their prospective children when they decide (...)
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    In the shadow of technology.Simo Mikkonen - 2016 - History of the Human Sciences 29 (4-5):151-171.
    The study of the cultural Cold War and East–West interaction outside diplomacy and high politics has emerged as an important research field during the last two decades. With a few exceptions, however, scholarly interaction has been overshadowed by other forms of interaction. Existing research has mostly paid attention to technological exchange and to espionage, which was at times connected with scientific exchanges across the Iron Curtain. This article discusses scholarly exchanges in the human sciences between Finland and the Soviet Union. (...)
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  30. Parental responsibility and the morality of selective abortion.Simo Vehmas - 2002 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 5 (4):463-484.
    It is now a common opinion in Western countries that a child's impairment would probably place an unexpected burden on her parents, a burden that the parents have not committed themselves to dealing with. Therefore, selective abortion is in general a morally justified option for the parents. I argue that this view is based on biased information about the quality of life of individuals with impairments and their families. Also, a conscious decision to procreate should bring about conscious assent to (...)
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    Neither Physics nor Chemistry: A History of Quantum Chemistry.Kostas Gavroglu & Ana Simoes (eds.) - 2011 - MIT Press.
    In Neither Physics Nor Chemistry, Kostas Gavroglu and Ana Simoes examine the evolution of quantum chemistry into an autonomous discipline, tracing its development from the publication of early papers in the 1920s to the dramatic changes ...
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    Aksiologicheskiĭ frazeologicheskiĭ slovarʹ: "Rodina" i "Chuzhbina" kak t︠s︡ennostʹ i antit︠s︡ennostʹ vo frazeologicheskoĭ paradigme russkogo, tatarskogo, angliĭskogo, nemet︠s︡kogo, frant︠s︡uzskogo i︠a︡zykov.Luiza Karimovna Baĭramova - 2018 - Kazanʹ: Izd-vo "FĖN" AN RT (oformlenie).
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    O pensamento político de Éric Weil.Mauro Cardoso Simões - 2010 - Enfoques 22 (2):79-84.
    My purpose is to analyze the peculiar thinking of Weil, according to the categories of reasoning, as a choice to avoid violence. In his definition of man, Weil recovers the notion of realization, with which man is redefined in terms of what he must be and not merely for what he is. There-to, man is ..
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  34. Avanços nas políticas públicas e a luta por direitos : uma realidade par as travestis e transexuias.Luiza Carla Cassemiro - 2010 - In Adriana Severo Rodrigues, Giancarla Brunetto & Márcio Eduardo Brotto (eds.), Os hereges: temas em direitos humanos, ética e diversidade. Porto Alegre, RS: Armazém Digital.
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    Poslovna etika i komuniciranje.Simo Elaković - 2007 - Beograd: Univerzitet Singidunum, Fakultet za turistički i hotelijerski menadžment.
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    Desacordo Genuíno No Conceito de Justiça: Um Debate Entre Kelsen e Dworkin.Luiza Gomes - 2024 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 65 (157):e-42334.
    ABSTRACT This paper aims to show that positivism and post-positivism’s philosophical and political bases, although distinct, have significant similarities. We’ll identify such similarities from the bibliographic review of two important works for this debate: “Pure Theory of Law” by Hans Kelsen and “Justice for Hedgehogs” by Ronald Dworkin. From the clarification of theoretical similarities of these two pieces our specific objective will be subdivided into establish the genuine agreements and disagreements of these two currents of thought in relation to the (...)
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  37. Abstraccion y negatividad. La critica del idealismo en Th. W. Adorno.J. Hernandez-Pacheco - 1986 - Thémata: Revista de Filosofía 3:59-72.
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    La conciencia romántica: con una antología de textos.Javier Hernández-Pacheco - 1995
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    Järjen ja tunteen kerrostumat.Simo Knuuttila - 1998 - Helsinki: Suomalainen Teologinen Kirjallisuusseura.
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  40. (1 other version)Octavio Paz a los filósofos.Max Maureira Pacheco - 1998 - Dilema: Revista de Filosofía 2 (3):107.
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  41. Ciencia del periodismo y sus categorías axiológicas.Juvenal Pacheco Farfán - 2001 - Cusco: Municipalidad del Cusco.
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  42. El marco metódico y sistemático. Segunda sección.Alejandro Gustavo Vigo Pacheco - 2015 - In Ramón Rodríguez & Francisco de Lara (eds.), Ser y tiempo de Martin Heidegger: un comentario fenomenológico. Madrid: Tecnos.
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    Jean-Claude Milner, Înclinatiile criminale ale Europei democratice/ Criminal Inclinations of a Democratic Europe.Luiza Palanciuc - 2004 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 3 (8):134-139.
    Jean-Claude Milner, Les penchants criminels de l'Europe democratique Paris, Editions Verdier, Collection ́ Le sÈminaire de JÈrusalem a, 2003, 157 p.
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  44. A escolha do livro didático de sociologia em Porto alegre.Luiza Helena Pereira - 2014 - Saberes Em Perspectiva 4 (8):133-145.
    Dando continuidade à Pesquisa sobre a Sociologia no Ensino Médio no Rio Grande do Sul, examinou­se o processo de escolha do livro didático de sociologia nas escolas públicas de Porto Alegre, pois a disciplina só veio a ser contemplada pelo Ministério de Educação e Cultura ­ MEC, no Programa Nacional do Livro Didático – PNLD a partir de 2011. Essa escolha gerou uma interessante investigação do ponto de vista sociológico, pois possibilita pensar a vigilância epistemológica sobre nossos próprios pares, sociólogos/professores, (...)
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  45. Aesthetics - Wittgenstein's Paradigm of Philosophy?Simo Säätelä - 2013 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 6 (1):35-53.
    This paper attempts to elucidate Wittgenstein’s remark about the “strange resemblance between a philosophical investigation (especially in mathematics) and an aesthetic one” from 1937 by looking at its textual and philosophical context. The conclusion is that the remark can be seen both as a description of a particular conception of philosophy, a prescription or declaration of intent (to proceed in a particular way), and a reminder (to Wittgenstein himself) about the form of a philosophical investigation. Furthermore, it is concluded that (...)
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  46. Implicaciones Epistemológicas de la Gramática Transformacional de Noam Chomsky.Rafael Torrado Pacheco - 1984 - Universitas Philosophica 2:79-92.
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    Live and Let Die? Disability in Bioethics.Simo Vehmas - 2003 - New Review of Bioethics 1 (1):145-157.
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  48. Rosenkrantz's bayesian solution to Goodman's problem.Simo Vihjanen - 1993 - In Risto Hilpinen, Olli Koistinen & Juha Räikkä (eds.), Good reason: essays dedicated to Risto Hilpinen. Turku: Turun yliopisto. pp. 200--23.
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  49. Digital technologies in the context of university transition and disability: theoretical and empirical advances.Edgar Pacheco - 2021 - Victoria University of Wellington.
    Since transition to higher education emerged as a research topic in the early 1970s, scholarly inquiry has focused on students without impairments and, what is more, little attention has been paid to the role of digital technologies. This article seeks to address this knowledge gap by looking at the university experiences of a group of first-year students with vision impairments from New Zealand, and the way they use digital tools, such as social media and mobile devices, to manage their transition-related (...)
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    The emergence of deontic logic in the fourteenth century.Simo Knuuttila - 1981 - In Risto Hilpinen (ed.), New Studies in Deontic Logic: Norms, Actions, and the Foundations of Ethics. Dordrecht, Netherland: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 225--248.
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